Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bakugan Battle Brawlers

In an alternate dimension of Earth, an evil Bakugan called Naga decides to take a powerful artifact. Naga tries to assimilate it into himself, but it explodes and splits into two parts - the Infinity Core and Silent Core. Both parts must be found and brought back together in order to restore balance and allow the Bakugan to once again live in peace.
The story centers on group of friends who find metallic cards which have fallen from the sky. They name themselves the Bakugan Battle Brawlers and consist of eight children: Dan, Shun, Runo, Marucho, Julie, Alice,and later Masquerade and Joe Brown. Together they learn more about the origin of Bakugan, the game involving them and battle against the antagonists Hal-G and Naga.



Daniel 'Dan' Kuso
The series main character, Dan is a boy who found out about Bakugan and gets frustrated easily. His greatest ambition is to be the number one battle brawler in the universe. He is a Pyrus battler, and his guardian Bakugan is Pyrus Dragonoid(Also known as Drago). Drago later evolves to Delta Dragonoid, in episode 22, then Ultimate Dragonoid when he beats Marucho, Julie, Runo, and Shun. And finally Infinity Dragonoid. As one of the seasons running jokes, Dan and Runo often argue with each other. He is in love with Runo, but won't confess. At the end of the series they are seen on a date to the movies. Dan reached 1st in the rankings after defeating Masquerade.

Runo Misaki
Runo is a tomboy who loves playing Bakugan with people that have skills to show off. Runo is a Haos brawlers. Her Guardian Bakugan is a Haos Tigrerra, who is very obedient to her and powerful in battle. Tigrerra later evolves into Blade Tigrerra. One of the things she hates the most, is when people believe they're better at brawling then her, just because she is a girl. She helps her parents run their family business, and when Alice comes to visit, she helps Runo's family with their restaurant, which leads to Runo becoming jealous as boys come just to see her. She has a crush on Dan, but won't admit it. She reached 6th in the rankings. At the end of the series she and Dan are seen going on a date to the movies. She appears in the New Vestroia series. As to whether or not she becomes part of the main plot, remains unknown.

Marucho' Marukuro
He is a extremely rich boy who is very generous and intelligent, a bit like a walking encyclopedia or dictionary. He loves to play Bakugan, alongside this is his fondness for creating strategies, over using brute force. He used to be very obedient to his parents just because he wanted to please them, but that changed when he met the Brawlers and Preyas. He now has no regrets for the past, realizing that he only wanted to make his parents happy. He is an Aquos battler. His Guardian Bakugan is his Aquos Preyas, which, later in the series, is revealed to have a special evolution, allowing him to lay an egg and hatch from it his two, twin brothers. Preyas Angelo angel/angel looking, and on the flip side, Preyas Diavalo devil/devil looking, which allowed Marucho to not only keep Preyas in his original form, but his 'brother' as well. Preyas was sent to the Doom Dimension in Marucho's battle with Klaus Von Hertzon. Later Klaus shows up with Preyas. Dan and Runo find a way to get Preyas back through defeating him in battle. After this incident, Preyas lays his egg, as mentioned above. Preyas also has a effect called "Change of Attribute" with that he can take advantage of the opponent's gate card. Preyas II has a split personality: Angelo Preyas seems to be a bit more intelligent and nice compared to Diavalo, who usually says exactly what Angelo says, but in a different way. He reached 7th in the rankings.

Julie Makimoto
Julie is a girl who tries to stay happy even when the worst has happened (for example, when Billy ended up under the control of Masquerade); She acts happy after something bad happened but she generally does that just to cover up her true feelings. Julie forgets things easily, proving that she is a little scatterbrained at times. She is a Subterra battler, whose guardian Bakugan is a Subterra Gorem. Gorem then evolves in to Hammer Gorem. At the beginning of the series, she is shown to have a little crush on Dan (which led to some arguments with a jealous Runo), but later, accepts that Dan and Runo are going out. At the end, she and Billy go on their first date. Julie has a sister named Daisy who has bested her in everything since she was a child (plus she might also have a close relative named Tom). She reached 8th in the rankings. She does appear in the New Vestroia series, but whether or not she becomes part of the main plot, remain unknown.

Shun Kazami
Shun is a boy who is the former first ranked Bakugan brawler who later moves down to the 2nd position, then 3rd after Dan beats him so Drago can evolve. He has black hair and a log black ponytail and wears a purple jacket. He is a master of Bakugan, and is also Dan's childhood friend. Shun is a loner, a boy of very few words, yet is willing to help his friends at almost every turn. He is a Ventus battler. He approaches Bakugan like a ninja. He lives with his grandfather (who used to be a famous ninja warrior when there were ninja warriors) who once expected Shun to follow in his footsteps instead of playing Bakugan. His Guardian Bakugan is a Ventus Skyress whom Shun received from his sick mother in the hospital. Skyress then evolves in to Storm Skyress. Shun once leaves the brawlers when Dan says they don't need him. But after brawling Komba, Dan appears and asks for forgiveness which Shun accepts.

Alice Gehabich
Alice is a girl from Moscow, Russia. Although she knows almost everything about the game, she only sometimes plays it. She usually just gives advice to the other brawlers, which she prefers over battling. Michael Gehabich is her grandfather; who she constantly worries about, after finding out his alter ego is Hal-G, and he works alongside Naga. Alice and Marucho are the 2 brawlers who mostly use strategy. However, unlike Marucho, Alice gives her strategies to the brawlers. she left the Brawlers after finding out that she was Masquerade out of intense guilt over what she had done as him, but later returns as Masquerade in time to save Dan and Drago. Once she saves them, Masquerade permanently leaves her body (which Alice at first resents because she believed that she needs him), but leaves Alpha Hydranoid for her to control.

He used to be the first-ranked Bakugan player before he left Alice's body. His goal is to send all Bakugan to the Doom Dimension with his Doom Card, so he can evolve his Hydranoid and have the ultimate Bakugan. He is a Darkus battler. He is revealed to be Alice in episode 38 and his origin is revealed in episode 39. Masquerade came to life when negative energy changed Alice (who doesn't know she is Masquerade or what happens when she becomes him). Darkus Hydranoid is Masquerade's guardian Bakugan. (His first guardian bakugan was Reaper, but he sent it to the doom dimension.) He battles with Dan in episode 38 and loses. After that Masquerade takes his mask off, revealing his identity, Alice. He always wins. Now he is second

Joe Brown
Also known as Webmaster Joe. During the beginning of the series, it was revealed that due to an unknown health condition, he basically lived in a hospital. During this time the Brawlers thought that he was, or was working for, Masquerade. After Dan confronted him, he told Dan that he would only tell him the truth if Dan could beat him in a battle. In the middle of the battle, Joe fainted, and when he awoke he revealed that the brawlers theories were untrue, and he actually sent a message to all of the Bakugan players around the world to warn them that Masquerade was plotting against them. After the truth was revealed, they asked him if he wanted to become a Brawler, which he gladly accepted the offer to. He then revealed he and his mother were going on a road trip for the time being, to see the world outside of the hospital. Sometime later, after he moved to the Brawlers neighborhood, he found Wavern who had the Infinity Core hidden inside of her. Wavern is a non-attributed bakugan, meaning her abilities in battle are to an extent. Wavern is Joe's guardian Bakugan. It is also revealed that Wavern is Naga's younger twin sister. Joe is the first person to beat Masquerade at Bakugan, after he obtains his new Bakugan, Wavern. In the end Joe is with Chan-Lee sitting on a bench.

Secondary characters

Hal-G is the form of Alice's grandfather Michael after he is exposed to the Silent core just like Alice and Masquerade. He is the one who opened the portal to Vestroia and exposed humans to the different types of Bakugan. He assist Naga in his quest to get the Infinity Core from Wavern. After Naga was destroyed, Hal-G regressed back to Michael.

Billy Gilbert
Julie's childhood friend and 10th Ranked Bakugan player. He played Julie when they first battled, but lost in a rematch, and lost 1 more time when he was under the control of Masquerade.Once while battling under Masquerade's rule, Billy almost sends both Gorem and Julie to the doom dimension. He is shown to like Julie in episode 47 when they alongside Nene were fighting Tricloid. At the end of the series, Julie asks him if he would like to go on a date some time, and he agrees. Also, at the end of episode 47, Julie makes it known that the two are boyfriend and girlfriend. It is assumed that they are still going out.In New Vestroia it is revealed by Julie he wants to be the greatest athlete in the world.

Klaus Von Herzen:
He was once the second ranked Bakugan player, but later moves down to rank four after being defeated by Masquerade, then 2nd after defeating Dan. He is an Aquos battler and his guardian Bakugan is Aquos Sirenoid, whom he shares a deep bond with. He sent Marucho's Aquos Preyas into the Doom Dimension, but gave him back later. He has major crush on Alice. He is always concerned when Alice suddenly wanders off but does not show it. In episode 26, Klaus lost Sirenoid to Masquerade. Klaus later helped Alice and Christopher fight Rabeeder.

Chan Lee
The third rank brawler that appeared in episode 14, and was recruited by Masquerade. She later moves down to rank five. She uses Pyrus attribute Bakugan and her guardian Bakugan is Pyrus Fortress. Dan Kuso beat her on episode 16. Pyrus Fortress gets sent to the Doom Dimension in Episode 26. She is reunited with him sometime around episodes 32 and 36. In episode 49, Chan rescues Joe from Hal-G using her martial arts moves. She has a crush on Joe and at the end of the second series when Dan is on his date with Runo, she and Joe can be seen together in the background.

Komba O'Charlie
The 5th Ranked Bakugan player and Julie's neighbor in Africa. He uses Ventus attribute Bakugan, Harpus. He used to be rather selfish and refused to accept his first defeat from Shun and challenges him again, although he lost. He was ranked fifth best Bakugan player until his defeat in episode 26 and the loss of Harpus, which was Masquerade's doing. Later on, he moves down to rank 11. He later helps Shun and Julio fight Hairadee

Julio Santana
The 4th Ranked Bakugan player and self-proclaimed master of Haos-attribute bakugan. His Guardian Bakugan is Haos Tentaclear. Tentaclear does not talk but is strong in battle. Julio is a bully of the Brawlers. He later becomes rank 9. He helps Shun and Komba fight Hairadee.

Jenny & Jewels
A.K.A. JJ Dolls, are not really part of the show but make aperances in episodes 7, 8, 9, 45, and 52. Maybe even episode 10. Their first appearances was on episode 7, 8, and 9, when they show up at Marucho's house and battles Marucho and Dan when Masquerade tempted them with the Doom Card. They make another appearance in episode 45 when they help Marucho beat Taygen. They also appear in episode 52 waving good bye to their bakugan. Jenny battles with Aquos bakugan and for Jewels, Subterra bakugan. In episode 45 it is shown that Jewels likes blue. Jenny & Jewels are shown to battle together and are pop star singing sisters. Jenny is the one with purple hair and Jewels has Aqua Green hair. Also Jenny's Guardian Bakugan might be an Aquos Siege and for Jewels a Subterra Centipoid.They make slight apperance in new vestroia on a billboard.

Shuji, Nene and Akira
Only shown in episodes 1, 2, 25, 45, 47, 50, 51, and 52. They battle the brawlers a bunch of times but lost all of them, Shuji was supposed to win 1 of the battles but lost. They battle with triple mode because Nene uses Ventus, Shuji battles with Darkus, and Akira battles with Subterra Bakugan. It's possible that Shuji's Ventus & Subterra Bakugan are actually his sibling's Bakugan. Nene was the one to teach Shuji and Akaria how to play Bakugan. Nene later uses Ravenoid to help Julie and Billy defeat Tricloid.

A young bakugan brawler forced by kids to play bakugan every day just so he could lose. Alice helps him to win and during the battle with his rival, Travis, his Aquos Juggernoid talks and becomes his guardian bakugan. He appears in later episodes to defend the world from the forces of Naga and helps Alice and Klaus fight Rabeeder.

Guardian Bakugan/Companion Bakugan

Guardian Bakugan are the Bakugan who are the companion of the brawler.

Pyrus Dragonoid:
A.K.A. Drago. Drago came from the Pyrus world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Dan.
Pyrus Delta Dragonoid:
Delta Dragonoid evolves from Dan's Dragonoid.
Pyrus Ultimate Dragonoid:
Ultimate Dragonoid evolves from Dan's Delta Dragonoid.
Pyrus Infinity Dragonoid:
Infinity Dragonoid evolves from Dan's Ultimate Dragonoid. After Wavern gave the Infinity core to Drago, he fused with it, becoming Infinity Dragonoid. He can use all 6 attributes.

Haos Tigrerra:
A.K.A. Tigrerra. Tigrerra came from the Haos world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Runo. In the the english dub Tigrerra is female, whereas in the original Japanese version, Tigrerra is male.
Haos Blade Tigrerra:
Blade Tigrerra evolves from Runo's Tigrerra.

Aquos Preyas:
Preyas came from the Aquos world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Marucho. He has the special ability to change attributes.
Aquos Preyas Angelo:
Preyas Angelo came from Marucho's Preyas's egg. He is a dual-bakugan as he is Aquos and Haos.
Aquos Preyas Diablo:
Preyas Diablo came from Marucho's Preyas's egg. He is a dual-bakugan as he is Aquos and Pyrus.

Subterra Gorem:
Gorem came from the Subterra world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Julie.
Subterra Hammer Gorem:
Hammer Gorem evolves from Julie's Gorem.

Ventus Skyress:
Skyress came from the Ventus world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Shun.
Ventus Storm Skyress:
Storm Skyress evolves from Shun's Skyress

Darkus Hydranoid:
Darkus Hydranoid came from the Darkus world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Masquerade.
Darkus Dual Hydranoid:
Dual Hydranoid evolves from Masquerade's Hydranoid. He can hit 2 bakugan in one turn, and they don't have to be on his gate card.
Darkus Alpha Hydranoid: Alpha Hydranoid evolves from Maquerade's Dual Hydranoid. After Masquerade leaves Alice's body he is partnered with Alice. He makes a short appearance in new vestroia episode 2.
Wavern is Naga's twin sister with no attribute. She came from Vestroia with the Infinity core & became the Guardian of Joe. She is also Drago's love interest.
The primary villain of the first series. Naga is Wavern's twin brother with no attribute. He tried to acquire the Infinity and Silent core but only got the Silent core. He came from Vestroia & became the Guardian of Hal-G.
Silent Naga:
Silent Naga evolved from Naga after he absorbed the Silent Core and came to Earth. He was destroyed by Infinity Dragonoid.
Subterra Cycloid:
Cycloid came from the Subterra world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Billy.
Aqous Sirenoid:
Sirenoid came from the Aquos world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Klaus.
Pyrus Fortress:
Fortress came from the Pyrus world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Chan Lee.
Ventus Harpus:
Harpus came from the Ventus world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Komba.
Haos Tentaclear:
Tentaclear came from the Haos world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Julio.
Darkus Reaper:
Reaper came from the Darkus world of Vestroia & became the first Guardian of Masquerade. Used by other Darkus Brawlers before being sent to the Doom Dimmension by Masquerade.
Aquos Juggernoid:
Juggernoid came from the Aquos world of Vestroia & became the Guardian of Christopher.
Pyrus Apollonir:
Apollonir is the legendary Pyrus Bakugan. He is the leader.
Aquos Frosch:
Frosch is the legendary Aquos Bakugan. He is the wisest.
Subterra Clayf: Clayf is the legendary Subterra Bakugan. He is the strongest. He can also drain abilities given to his opponents.
Ventus Oberus:
Oberus is the legendary Ventus Bakugan. She is the most compassionate.
Haos Lars Lion:
Lars Lion is the legendary Haos Bakugan. She is the most moral. She can resurrect other Haos soldiers with her golden arrow.
Darkus Excedra:
Excedra is the Legenday Darkus Bakugan. He is the most powerful. He can drain power from team mates, but then turns them to stone.
Aquos Siege:
Siege came from the Aquos world of Vestroia & became the companion of Jenny. Siege is not shown to talk but can let out a battle cry and make imprestions on his face.
Subterra Centipoid:
Centipoid came from the Subterra world of Vestroia & became the companion of Jewels. Centipoid can change what card it is on.
Darkus Mantris:
Mantris came from Darkus world of Vestroia & became the companion of Travis.
Ventus Falconeer:
Falconeer came from the Ventus world of Vestroia & became the guardian on Shuji. Possibly Nene's Bakugan.
Darkus Fear Ripper:
Fear Ripper came from the Darkus world of Vestroia & became the companion of Shuji.
Ventus Ravenoid: Ravenoid came from the Ventus world of Vestroia & became the companion of Nene.
Haos Saurus:
Saurus came from the Haos world of Vestroia & became a guardian of Runo as it is shown to talk in one episode.
Pyrus Tigrerra:
A.K.A. Noblelion. Noblelion is an old and wise soldier of Vestroia. He is unnafected by the Darkus of the merged worlds.

Naga's evil Bakugan
Aqous/ Ventus Taygen: Taygen is a large serpent like fish with the torso of a girl in a dress with long flowing sleeves on his forehead.
Ventus/ Aqous Hairadee: Hairadee is a human with serpent and bird like features.
Subterra/Haos Tricloid: Tricloid has three eyes and acts like a baby most of the time. Calls Rabeeter her sister.
Haos/ Subterra Rabeeter: Rabeeter is a Hindu like creature with instead of a waist and legs there is a large sphere with large arms on each side. Calls Tricloid her sister.
Pyrus/ Darkus Druman: Druman is a human shaped lizard with hand like wings that have an eye on each wing.
Darkus/Pyrus Centauria: Centauria is an armored centaur with no mouth and a spear with an eye on it.
Darkus Palladin: Palladin is a gladiator like Bakugan with a lot of armor and a large sheild. There are five of them that loyaly protect Naga after he is attacked by Drago

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